About the Model
The Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model (IGEM) is an economic model of the United States. It is a multisector, dynamic model with perfect foresight. The first version of IGEM was constructed in 1988 by Wilcoxen and Ho building on an earlier myopic model by Hudson and Jorgenson. The current version is IGEM v16 and detailed information is available under Documentation. Information about older versions may be found in the Archives area.
A list of reports and papers based on IGEM is given in Publications section. Comprehensive documentation of IGEM v16 is available in the volume below:
Many earlier papers using IGEM have been published together in the volume below:
IGEM has been used extensively by the US Environmental Protection Agency and other organizations. For example, the model's contribution to the U.S. EPA's report "The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act, 1970 to 1990 (Appendix A. Cost and Macroeconomic Modeling)" may be found at the EPA Air Office; IGEM analysis of recent climate policy proposals is available from the EPA Climate Economics Branch; and analysis of the role of substitution is available from the Pew Center
Additional Information
- Documentation
- Documentation and other files associated with the current version of the model.
- Industry Definitions
- Industry names and numbers.
- Bibliography
- A list of publications and reports associated with the Intertemporal General Equilibrium model. Also available via the publications link above.
- Archives
- Documentation and other files associated with past versions of IGEM.
Richard J GoettleMun Sing Ho
Dale W Jorgenson
Peter J Wilcoxen