Documentation and other files associated with past versions of IGEM.
Design and Specifications
IGEM version 1
Original version from 1988.
IGEM version 8
Similar to the 1988 version but with more detailed information about the equations and parameters.
IGEM version 10
Included industry-specific capital demand equations.
The Clean Air Act and the US Economy
A study conducted for the US EPA of the costs imposed by the Clean Air Act on economic performance and welfare. The analysis is based on resutls from IGEM. The final report is available via this link to the EPA web site.
Additional Information
Constructing the Data Set
A description of the data sources and methods used to construct a consistent time-series of input output tables for the United States over the period 1947-1985. This dataset was used to estimate the parameters of the model. This file contains an Adobe Acrobat version of Appendix C of Peter Wilcoxen's 1988 PhD thesis. It does not contain the finished dataset or any computer code.