Industry Definitions

  1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  2. Metal Mining
  3. Coal Mining
  4. Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
  5. Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
  6. Construction
  7. Food and Kindred Products
  8. Tobacco
  9. Textile Milling
  10. Apparel and Fabricated Textile Products
  11. Lumber and Wood
  12. Furniture
  13. Paper and Allied Products
  14. Printing and Publishing
  15. Chemicals
  16. Petroleum Refining
  17. Rubber and Plastic
  18. Leather
  19. Stone, Clay and Glass
  20. Primary Metals
  21. Fabricated Metals
  22. Nonelectrical Machinery
  23. Electrical Machinery
  24. Transportation Equipment and Ordinance
  25. Instruments
  26. Miscellaneous Manufacturing
  27. Motor Vechicles
  28. Transportation
  29. Communications
  30. Electric Utilities
  31. Gas Utilities
  32. Trade
  33. Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
  34. Services
  35. Government Enterprises
URL: https://www.igem.insightworks.com/docs/227.html
Revised 08/09/2010 08:32:26