Industry Definitions
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- Metal Mining
- Coal Mining
- Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
- Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
- Construction
- Food and Kindred Products
- Tobacco
- Textile Milling
- Apparel and Fabricated Textile Products
- Lumber and Wood
- Furniture
- Paper and Allied Products
- Printing and Publishing
- Chemicals
- Petroleum Refining
- Rubber and Plastic
- Leather
- Stone, Clay and Glass
- Primary Metals
- Fabricated Metals
- Nonelectrical Machinery
- Electrical Machinery
- Transportation Equipment and Ordinance
- Instruments
- Miscellaneous Manufacturing
- Motor Vechicles
- Transportation
- Communications
- Electric Utilities
- Gas Utilities
- Trade
- Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
- Services
- Government Enterprises